Moonlight Swing Living History Big Band
The Moonlight Swing Living History Big Band was established in 1996 as a non-profit historical organization whose chartered mission is to keep the memory and music of Glenn Miller and the Great Big Band Era alive for all to enjoy. Our band is comprised of 19 volunteer musicians from the Greater Sacramento, CA area. Each of our performances takes the audience on a musical journey down memory lane from the 1930’s to the early 1950’s which was considered by many to be one of the golden ages of American swing dance music.
The band is available for hire for private events like weddings, birthdays, corporate parties, fund raisers, etc. We offer every client the flexibility of performing attired in our white dinner jackets or our vintage Army Air Corps uniforms of WWII. Come see us at one of our monthly public performances at the Carmichael Elks Lodge.
Our Director
Our Musical Director Mark Toffelmier has over 20 years of experience as a music director in the local area. Continuing the traditional swing repertoire established by previous directors, Mark is committed to increasing Moonlight Swing’s extensive music library.
Larry Sikorski
Our lead male vocalist and “master of ceremonies” is Larry Sikorski. In addition to singing with Moonlight Swing, Larry frequently performs as a solo singer for a variety of venues in the Sacramento region. Larry also manages our mailing list to keep our devoted fans informed of all of our upcoming performances. If you would like to be included in our mailing list, send an email to MoonlightSwing@yahoo.com.
Kathryn Skinner
Our lead female vocalist is Kathryn Skinner. Kathryn has been a singer and dancer in Sacramento musical theater productions for over 20 years. She grew up singing in her father’s 18 piece band, The John Skinner Big Band. Currently she is also the lead female vocalist for “West Fifth Ave” featuring jazz standards, country and 70’s rock. and the French jazz band, “Rendezvous”
Performers Wanted
Are you a singer? Can you read sheet music? Have you ever wanted to perform with a Big Band? Moonlight Swing may be the group for you! Currently we are searching for male vocalists - Male (Tenor/High Tenor range) to help revive our 1930s-40s style vocal groups. If you are interested please drop us a note and we will contact you for more details.
The logo and phrase "Sustineo Alas" on our music stands was the motto of the Army Air Corps Technical Training Command during World War II. “Sustineo Alas” roughly translates as: "I Sustain the Wings", or "Keep 'Em Flying". “I Sustain the Wings” was also the title of the radio program that was broadcast weekly on Saturday on NBC from 1943 to 1944 by the Army Air Corps Technical Training Command Band under the direction of Captain Glenn Miller.